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Autorenbild: BrittaBritta

The world in silence for a moment

the face illuminated by the early light of day

a glance into the distance

on a morning that

will be a warm day

all sounds of the day faded away, in the end

all sounds of that day faded away, in the end


In the evening everything will be turned around

But before it all ends in the night

in the cold light of headlights and street lamps

flowers open in the glow of the sun

the door to the balcony

wide open

shapes that dissolve in the blinding backlighting

it puts a bright glow around their bodies

softens them

embraces them like a gestalt


Dust blows up, passes through

splits into circular luminous surfaces

they penetrate the image

Everything is reflected and takes on a different form

A moment that fades from within

nothing but light and transformation


His eyes closed, a gentle face

An image of a God

who shares the end with us



GESTALT ist der Titel unserer neuen Single, die am 31. Mai 2024 erschienen ist. Schaut euch gern auch das Video an.

Copyright Text & Fotografie: ÜBERTAGE, Mai 2024

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